
Recruitment Blog

Where do I find new employees?

Well, let’s start with where not to find them.

Yes, we all want to help our sister’s kids, the neighbour’s daughter, your friend’s wife, who was retrenched. And the chances are that they will all be great employees in the correct position. However, using the highly qualified marketing person as IT manager… well, not your best business decision ever, was it? I know you remember that, or some other similar situation!

Let’s look at the unlimited internet. Great idea! All the possible talent in the world waiting for you to a) search and find them, or b) to advertise so they can apply for your position. Yes, there are thousands of qualified candidates on the search and find side of the available job portals. If you have the time and skill to go through all of them quickly and effectively, dealing with profiles which are not updated and candidates who “just started in a new position” or “just wanted to see what is out there”. This seems to be true for around 60% of the profiles available.

Advertising? As I mentioned previously, desperate candidates apply for every possible position advertised. The needle in the haystack is probably there if you have the time to find it!

Then there is “headhunting” – which we will discuss in more detail next month. Once again, if you have the time to call 50 companies to get the name and details of their Business analyst, then call them out of the blue,… you get my drift.

Even if you have a highly effective HR department, recruitment remains time-consuming and one of the most successful functions to outsource.

So, to answer the question; let RecruitX find them for you!

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